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Romans wanted to expand and their main subject was the annexation of Britain.

Julius Caesar invaded Britain twice :

During his first invasión on August 26th 55 BC, he probably landed on the shores of Deal Beach in Kent. The invasion was a military failure.

(Deal Beach, Kent)

But in 54 BC he came back with 5 legions. Caesar won several battles and penetrated inland, where now London stands.

The “Britons”, as the Romas called the Celtics, sued for peace, so Caesar granted a Treaty where he promised a yearly tribute and then The Romans departed.

Caesar described the invasions in his commentaries on”The Gallic Wars”, but he didn’t have permanent results except the Increase trade and the permission given to Roman traders and settlers to enter Britan peacefully.

But the most important result was that the Romans proved they could conquer Britain at their convinience.

As Emperor Claudius was anxious for glory and irritated by a revolt in Gaul instigated by the Druids.He renewed the interest in Britain. So he ordered Aulus Plautius to invade it in 43 ad.

The British led by Caractacus put resistance.Claudius came for a brief period to command the legions .

Within three years Britain was under Roman rule again.

During the governorship of Scapula and Suetonius The Romans expanded north and west.Suetonius was suppreasing the Druids to Anglesey and The Iceni ,under Queen Boudica, revolted.Finally it is believed she commited suicide.( On 21 February 1988 the grave of Boudicca was located by archaeologists under platform eight at King's Cross railway station.)

In 78 ad. Agricola became the governor. He completed the conquest of Wales and extended into Scotland.Roman expansion then ceased.

In 122 Emperor Hadrian ordered to build a Wall from the Tyne River to Solway Firth (to protect England from Scottish tribes)

In 143 Emperor Antonius Pius extended Roman control in the north and constructed a second fortification:The Antonine Wall.

Roman overextended and overran both walls.

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